Driving Innovation

Rubiscape's Impact in the

Automotive Industry

Solutions build with Rubiscape

Implement Rubiscape’s AI-enabled Solutions! Geared for the future!

Unveiling Loyalty: Predict Customer Lifespan

AI models pinpoint high-value customers, driving targeted engagement and long-term growth.


  • To identify high, medium, and low-value customer segments.
  • To provide personalized offers and experiences to customers.
  • To allocate resources efficiently to businesses for targeting customers with the highest CLV potential and predict customer churn.


  • Feature Engineering, Segmentation Techniques, RFM Analysis, Clustering and classification modeling, Visualization.


  • Guided resource allocation, marketing strategies, and customer service efforts.
  • Offering cross-selling and upselling opportunities to customers with CLV potential.
  • CLV helps businesses identify risks associated with over-reliance that encourages diversification and risk management strategies.

Conquered: Tailoring Success with Segmentation

Unlock distinct customer groups, target effectively, and maximize marketing impact.


  • To segment the customers based on their data to identify different clusters.
  • To target specific customers falling under a particular cluster based on their requirements.
  • To understand the needs of different customer groups for improving their customer experience.


  • Statistical Analysis, K-means clustering, Hierarchical clustering, Distance-based clustering, Visualization.


  • Increase sales and revenue through customised promotion and product recommendation.
  • Customer satisfaction.

The Money Map: Unveiling Financial Health

Data-driven insights empower smarter decisions, optimize strategies, and unlock business growth.


  • To provide a clear and concise overview of an organization’s financial performance.
  • To enable stakeholders for monitoring key metrics.
  • To identify trends, make informed decisions and drive financial success.


  • Data Preparation, Financial Ratio Calculations, Trend Analysis, Visualization.


  • Improved Financial Planning and Budgeting
  • Identifying Financial Trends and Insights
  • Identifying key areas that are generating a return on investment and are losing money.

Level Up Sales: With Upselling & Cross-Selling

Offer tailored solutions, boost revenue, and delight customers with strategic upselling and cross-selling.


  • To improve up-sell and cross-sell processes in the insurance industry .
  • To increase the breadth of coverage within a single category of insurance products.
  • To offer different types of insurance coverage to meet different customer needs.


  • Statistical Analysis, Sampling Techniques, Classification Algorithms, Visualization.


  • Increase sales and revenue through precise predictions and focused communication.
  • Boosting conversions for the Vehicle Insurance product line and driving business growth.

Do even more with Rubiscape

AI-driven organisations around the world use Rubiscape to solve their most pressing business problems.


Drag, Drop, Discover:
Insights Made Simple.

Dive deep into your data, create stunning visuals, and gain actionable insights with ease.

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Build, Deploy, Manage:
Streamline AI Workflow.

Build robust, Scalable ML/DL models with ease , automated workflows & data empowerment.

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Wrangle, Blend, Analyze:
Data Orchestration Refined.

Develop data fabric and flow designs with low-code, pro-code and self service platform.

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Manage, Evaluate, Automate:
Edge Analytics Seamless.

Handle data or device management with integrated ML models and M To M application.

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